Lundi 18 juillet 2011

Bajaj Discover

Bajaj Discover

With boost within the demand for top skill enginescargiants seem to be continuously evolving newer models to tempt theyouth. Bajaj has 4versions within the Pulsar segmentits high-finish4-strokebike. These variants include Pulsar 180 DTSi, Pulsar 150 ES DTSi, Pulsar 200 ESDTSi and Pulsar 220 DTS-Fi. It has two diffehireversions within the Discoversegment titled as Bajaj Discover 12fiveand the Bajaj Discover 13fivemodels andsupposes to be economy mobikes from the Bajaj. tiffany diamond earrings

the most recent variant Discover 135cc DTS-i is theSports version with striking Nitrox Suspension in addition to front disc brakes. Theappearance of the brand new Discover 13fivecc can be hornyand hot. once It'scome to make selection of diversecolors, this is available in three colorsinclude blue, red and black colors.

Bajaj Discover is little heavier as in comparison to itsoldest model the Bajaj Discover 125cc but with enrichment inchronic. the brand newDiscover 135cc has absolutely increase inchronic release from the time the chokeis liftd and that its smooth and the hastening is set 60 kmph within 4 secondsand that is the reason cool for a motorcycle of this category. Bajaj Discover 13fivecc hasvalves revised and the bore could also be adjusted such that it displaces 135cc. Doyou understand? Bajaj transbureaucracyPS on to horsepower. So, a 13.1 PS in BajajDiscover gives thirteenbhp. tiffany necklace

Although, it only a secondary amplify with respectso as to additional cc the top outcome when it comes tochronic is proportionately greaterwith an outmaximumtorque of about 11.88 Nm relative to the ten.8 of its oldestmodel at similar engine speed. Apart, it's outfitted with DTS ignition, thedigital CDI ignition and ExhausTEC technology that duringterpret into improvedpower, performance in addition to fuel saving within the new Discover 13fivecc version.The exhauster and the warmth shield techniquein matt black finish. With a much broaderrear tyre, the motorcycle can successfully undertake the ganged street setting.The tagged worthis the bike is Rs.50,000 that may be around 300 rupees upperthan its previous version. However,beside the cost it comes with additional features.

BMW Cars in India

In Indian car market, BMW has wat the raceoverMercedes in sales of luxury cars. As per the statics, within the year2010, BMW has sold 6240 more luxury cars as comparatively to Mercedes which restsat 581ninecars. The sale figure itself shows that BMW cars in India have wwithin the battleof luxury cars. To broaden this success story for BMW, the BMW 3 Series and BMWfiveSeries have acted a prime role with sales selection of two432 and a couple of403 cars predominantly.In India, BWM do not needfrom now on or less title and that introduction. tiffany heart necklace

ExclusiveBMW 3 Series

The BMW 3 series presents a striking highway mileageand topfinishengine performance. This very smartseries offer immense fueleconomy in evaluatidirectly to plain luxury car. This sedan is gifted in fourdiffehireversions includes both Petrol Engines and Diesel variants. BMW 3Series is the beginninging model of the BMW's in India. The German engineering is terriblyqualitative being quite typical of brand name. Vast internal specifications andadvancedperformance makes it preferred among diffehiremodels. tiffany heart pendant

AdmirableSports Utility Coupe - BMW x6

include unique includes and appeal, BMW x6 presentstriking mileage for a premium Sports Utility Coupe assure great the presentationin both townand highway. This model has unique technologies that would hardlybe seen in other models and types. X6 is an idealior carsporting difficulttechnology, astonishing styling of the outsides in addition to the internals, pretenseof significant elegance and stance, submissive to the norms of beauty and obdurate inpresentation.

SecondHand Cars in India

individuals who cannot afford new luxury carsandeasily lokahead with second hand BMW cars. Used car in India is fastestgrowing sector and you will be able to buy an even shape BMW to turn topstatusand standing. for thereforeme people keeping older car is one of those lavishness. if this is the case,visit a few well appreciated classified website and check ad copies offered bythe vendors who're attracted in selling their second hand cars. you'll be able to alsocontact local in addition to authorized car dealers to shop to be usedd car. cheap tiffany necklace

Par liandongmei5 - 0 commentaire(s)le 18 juillet 2011
Samedi 16 juillet 2011

1639BR 6 Watt Super Bright LED Double Floodlight

1639BR 6 Watt Super Bright LED Double Floodlight

as a result of the increasing levels of crime rate, all homeowners want a very smartlighting within the ir home to scale back break ins. this is advisable to mount double floodlights on the corners of the home in order that every one of the instructionsare well lighted. A double lighted floodgentleis best than a single one and wish to be mounted topenough. be sure that no long shadows will be cast in any a part of the compound. tiffany heart necklace


in case you are within the means of mounting flood lights, you'll be able to consult your local electrician for advice at the most productive quality of floodlights. the most productive double floodgentlethat you're going to be able to buy need to be energy efficient and durable. Buy a floodgentlein order to return up with gentlefor several years. you'll be able to purchase person who lasts for 100,000 hours and person who uses 3 watts ofchronic. With this you are going to never need to climb up the los angelesdder to switch another bulb once in a while. this is also adviscapable of purchase person who may be constructed of cast metal and that is in a position towithstand the toughness of environments. Also purchase a floodgentlethose heads can either be positioned vertically or horizontally. an even floodgentleis person who features a motive forcefor properpower conversion and person who may be approved for wet location use. tiffany heart pendant


The L-1639BR 6 Watt Super Bright LED Double Floodgentleis an example of an even floodgentlewhose lamp life is rated 50,000 hours. it's going to give you super bright gentleand will last for as much as 30 years of additional energy savings. This L-1639BR 6 Watt Super Bright LED Double Floodgentleuses two 3 watt toppower LEDs and that it has a die cast metal design with eyeforeheadfor more gentlecontrol. it's UL and CUL listed and springs with a 1 year warranty. The L-1639BR 6 Watt Super Bright LED Double Floodgentleuses only 6 watts of energy. L-1639BR 6 Watt Super Bright LED Double Floodgentlehas a sealed 240 motion sensor that professionaltects it against adverse climatic conditions. The double floodgentlehas adjustable time and sensitivity setting which makes it very user friendly. cheap tiffany necklace



A Pet Adoption Solution

Pet adoption is taking responsibility over an animal that has been post for adoption as a result of technologyof abuse, violence, neglect and etc. with previous owners. With pet adoption, animals are given the risk locatethe right, caring and life long home for them. with the exception of this humane possibilitywe're giving to man's most efficientfriend, tlisted here are even benefits from adopting animals.

The Humane Society of the U.S. estimates an whopping 8 to ten million cats and dogs that enter shelters ever year. From these numbers, there's estimated 4 to five million of pets euthanized in shelters. Numbers of strays that die as a result of starvation don't seem to be included on this knowledge. tiffany pendants

With these unhappyfigures, pet adoption is a good way of saving a lifetime of a houseless animal. Animal euthanasia is being done since tlisted here are too many of us giving up their pets and too few people adopting from shelters. there's limited space in shelters, euthanasia is an overly hard decisidirectly to make by staff members to make way for brand spanking new animals pouring into their doors.

Animals in shelter dying by euthanasia can also be dramatically removed by adopting pets in shelters as opposed to shopping for them in pet stores. By adopting an animal from shelters, other animals can also be saved and rescued else where and supplyd a house. tiffany rings

Animal shelters, unlike what pet adoption myths say, have fitanimals. Shelters occasionallyget as much datafrom previous owners to figure out what sort of vaccination has alin a positionbeen provided. with the exception of hospital therapy investigation, shelters also offerthe required vaccination and plenty of spay o neuter the animals before being adopted. tiffany sets

Worrying concerning the temperament or behaviour of the animals could also be not a large issue. Unjust like the average misconception nimals are taken into shelters as a result of behaviour problems, non-publicreasons by the landlord themselves are the most typical factors.

Everybody knows that having pets have actual benefits. in line with , tlisted here are a large number of analysises proving the pet parents have lower blood pressure, less anxiety, and experience lifts within the ir depression. One readactually proved that with slightly than 10 minutes, a pet can lower blood pressure significantly. tiffany heart tag

Pet parents also have overall better physical fitnessas a result of exercise with their pets. Actually senior, citizens who own pets really needless medical attention. not only are illand old people benefits from pets. youngstersexposed to pets through their first year of life have a lower frequency of asthma and allergies.

Pet parents who've undergone surgery also have lower recovery time. there's even a readsaying that heart attack patients with pets have longer life expectancy than people who don't. there's even a readsaying that pets decrease heart attack mortality rates by 3 %that is 30,0000 lives once a year. HIV/AIDS victims who've pets also report less depression and will lessenstress levels. elsa peretti

Tlisted here are countless research proving that taking an animal into their housesis a good method to improve their non-publicand family health. the affection and care that pet parents offerto their pets in indeed reciprocated. with the exception of humane and fitnessbenefits that pet adoption may give, this is also a good way of saving money.

For a pricewhich might be very less in comparison to pet store pets, you are going to get an animal in order to be capable of will give you loyalty and devotion. Tiffany Frank Gehry

Par liandongmei5 - 0 commentaire(s)le 16 juillet 2011
Vendredi 15 juillet 2011

MBT Lami allow you to straightforwardto travel around the globe

MBT Lami allow you to straightforwardto travel around the globe

Nothing is more vitalthan health. you'll be able to live without money, you can live alone, you'll be able to live and not using a hard and rapidaddress, however the perspective conversion, should you simply call to mind lust that may be, drink or smoke, what's the outcome? you will be removed by God. Playing sports could be very trickyfor the busy entrepreneur. visit gmy for one or twice a month effect isn't significant. New discovery of MBT Lami sports is feasible in eachminute. tiffany paloma picasso

MBT shoes are special black MBT shoes don't seem to be the similar as normal shoes are special leather and design. take a look on the picture MBT, is the only of the shoes are in an unusual way. Dinner is vitalon your health, so does the MBT shoes are the rage and health, some of them are made with organic fabricswhich are light-weightand snug. you'll be able to make use of MBT to enjoy life outdoors.

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Maximizing You Banner Stands

maximumbusiness individuals are acutely aware of banner stands and of wayseffective an averages of advertising they may be able to be. However, many of us only partially tap the U.S.efulness and effectivenessof banner stands. so as to have asuccessful campaign, one should have surepredefined goals, and amethod in which to succeed in those goals. when it comes tobanner stands, one need tothink longer term so as tomaximize both efficiency and worthof advertising. maximumbusinesses only call to mind banner standsfor brief-term goals. at the same time asthey may be able to beacheffective on this kind of period of time, so as to get probably the maximumfrom youradvertising funds spent, one should have a goal that take both the fastand longterms into think aboutation. return to tiffany

this kind of advertising or marketing mindset doesn'ttypically come naturally; it need to be developed and practiced. as opposed to employingroll up banners to advertisean upcoming sale by printing the dates, times, locations, and other specifics,it's wiser to remainthings general and commissiat the creation of banners thatcan be utilized for years yet to come. Insteadof claiming anythinglike, "10% Off Back to university piecesBeginning Saturday!"you may have person who says, "Back to university Savings!" after which smaller printstating, "are availableside for more details." This more or less stand will be utilized once a year at back to university time insteadof getting another stand commissioned. return to tiffany jewelry

in a different method to maximise pull up banners is to make use of words thatattract attention immediately. Wordslike "Free", "Complimentary", "Everything", "Nothing", and "Blow Out!" arewonderfulhow you can get people's attention quickly. individuals are used to peering "Save Big", Huge Savings", and "Discount" andtfinishto forget them as soon because the y seemaway. Words that make people concentrate and remember are the most productive ones touse for your banner stands.

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As you'll be able to peer, to maximise your banner stands, you have tothink differently about your goals in addition for your strategy and design. after you have made this kind of mindset yournormal paradigm, it is possible for you to to pay attention more on doing business than onyour banner stands, that is what business is set. in fact, you'll be able tonot neglect advertising andmarketing, however it doesn't need to take as much aa lot of some time or money.

Par liandongmei5 - 0 commentaire(s)le 15 juillet 2011
Jeudi 14 juillet 2011

Careful Steps for the way to save lots of Your Marriage from Divorce

Careful Steps for the way to save lots of Your Marriage from Divorce

tiffany earrings saleIf the 2 of you've reached the purpose of separation, the location can feel much more desperate. When a pair separates, divorce looks just like the following logical step within the process. all of your life is the wrong way up and you will be able to justfeel hopeless and disheartened.

if you are really in love with the personand displaythe initiative that it will take to unravel the issues within the relationship, then you definitely'll be able to make it work.
step one shall be to take an extended hard take a look at what you actually needout of your marriage, and locateout what your partner desires to boot.

it will be a lot harder if either one of your wants from the connection are radically different. In rare instances, you justneed to simply accept thon the connection shouldn't be reconciled. that may be regardless of. should you wish to have it, you'll be able to have a hitful marriage. tiffany earrings

you can also desiregreater than justthe 2 of you to mfinishmatters.
It doesn't mean that you've got failed, should you make a decisidirectly to peer a wedding counselor, whose knowledge and experience can also be helpful to you.

There could also be a fewsuggestions thon the counselor offers, if truth be told, that you simply select to not follow. It comes in handy, however, to gawithin the insight of an objective professional, who has helped many couples in similar situations for yours.

The past need toremainprior to now and those will need to let things go. it's your decision to offer in on a fewissues. Answer truthfully to the searchion of why the wedding need to be salvaged. tiffany cufflinks

it is important to rethink your situation should you don't need to split only as a result of the youngsters you both need together, otherwise you are feeling too afraid to be on your own.

you'll be able tonot hold a wedding together at these desires alone. that may be not adequate to stave off arguments and conflict. while your reasons to stick withgether revolve around a deep love for one another, and the truth that you simply need to never replace your spouse with another person, then you definitely are going to have a more forgedbase to reconstruct your relationshipship on.

be sure to remaina company grasp of the explanations that you simply wish to have the wedding to be saved, and be sure that you're being open with one another, and are willing to make sacrifices when necessary. you can also locatethat you've got been looking to reconcile, but haven't needed an excessive amount of luck to this point, but continue together with your efforts. tiffany heart earrings

Carefully selectFurniture from Catalogs

despite the fact that you justthink that you justdo not need any new pieces of furniture since your space alin a positionseems complete, seeing new furniture catalogs within the mail will make you think that otherwise. that may be because each catalog was carefully considered and meticulously prepared by the design department of the furniture companies such a lot in order thon their issues are a degentleto browse. they typicallyreally sparen't any expense at their catalog printing. Why would they when their expenses for printing are such a lot worth it while you purchase even only a work of furniture from them? tiffany necklace

But should you do desirenew or additional furniture within the home or the office, buying from a catalog has wonderfulbenefits. For one, you do not need to contfinishwith the gang of individuals jostling within the store or having to stick up for a parade of carswithin the parking area. you are going not to need to wonder whether the piece of your liking can fit for your car or should you need to renta truck simplyto haul your new purchases. You sit comfortably for your front room sofa otherwise your bed at the same time assipping a hot comforting drink, pick up the telephone to name of the corporate, place your order, and stay up on your purchases to reach at the doorstep. These are really pricefor money advantages this is why buying furniture from a catalog is a decision for lots of. tiffany diamond earrings

the factoris thon the furniture in catalogs lookay too smartbut usuallythey don't seem to be true. they don't seem to be exactly lying however they don't live as much as what you are expecting it will be. Photographers have some way of shootingthat make the professionalducts seem nicer, bigger, smoother, and all of the opposite greatsuperlatives that you can imagine. once they're processed by the design team, well, the professionalducts become irresistible.

So if you wish to buy furniture from a catalog; read all the outlines of the object and picture them. as an example, a chair with upholstery will have a delightfuldesign, but read what sort of fabric was used for the upholstery. otherwise you think that wooden piece would loksmartfor your front room corner but read what sort of woodenwas used. it's going to not be what you expect. The picturesand the outline should satisfy you because at the same time asyou need to possibly return them, simplycall to mind the attemptthat you're going to head through.

tiffany heart necklaceAnd to be sure thon the expresspiece you ordered fits perfectly, measure the globalwhere you want to put it. Then read the size within the catalog. it will be smartshould you are going to seek out the exactsize but when the piece is smaller or bigger, measure the dimensions within the exact spot and take into consideration the way it is going to seem. Sometimes, a couple of inches will matter so much especially if it is going to eat up a part of the door or the window.

it's straightforwardto wander away and also your purpose forfeited while you browse during the sexywaves offered in furniture catalogs. But should you have already got a plan, it is going to be straightforwardso that you can navigate some of their lots offerings and to zero in bahave faith in what you wish to have. the following time you get a reproductionof an organization's catalog printing; bear this stuff in mind so that you simply get to shop for what you wish to have. tiffany heart pendant

Par liandongmei5 - 0 commentaire(s)le 14 juillet 2011
Mercredi 13 juillet 2011

Wedding photographers Minneapolis over the internet

Wedding photographers Minneapolis over the internet

A wedding is one of the happiest moments in anyone's life,and because of this it requires a lot of planning and researching in order tobe sure that it will be right. Many turn to their friends and acquaintances whohave undertaken this process before in order to gather the needed informationregarding this subject, but not everyone has friends who got married.

What happens when you don't have any person you know to turnto? Where can you gather all the needed information regarding this veryimportant part of your life? If you run out of sources for information and youneed a solution fast, there is no better place to turn to than the internet.This is where you can find anything you need about everything you areinterested in. pandora packages

For instance, if you are looking for wedding advice, overthe internet there are many people who share their experiences with weddings inorder to make your job a lot easier. This is where you can learn about whichwedding photographer Minneapolis to choose, which caterers you should avoid,which cakes are most suited and when and a lot of other things like that.

Considering that wedding photographers Minneapolis are theones that will capture the event in photos that you will cherish for the restof your life, this is one aspect of the wedding you should really consider totreat with the utmost importance.

Instead of choosing to pay less for a wedding photographerMinneapolis and receive the quality of the services your money is worth, youshould think about soliciting the best wedding photographer Minneapolis you canfind and lower the budget on other things. Pandora Necklace Silver

The job of wedding photographers Minneapolis is a lot moredifficult than you think, because a single person is required to capture theactions that need to be remembered from all your invitees. Covering all of themrequires skill and experience.

When you are searching for a wedding photographerMinneapolis and you are not sure about the quality of the services theyprovide, the internet serves as a great tool for finding out more by readingthe reviews of others who have solicited their services. pandora sets

The internet is also the place where you can find out abouta number of wedding photographers Minneapolis in case you run out of options.Visiting will ensure multiple choices of experiencedwedding photographers Minneapolis.

Your wedding requires a lot more attention than you thinkand the wedding photographer Minneapolis is one of the aspects where you are notallowed to screw up. Visiting the website mentioned afore will provide a lot ofoptions for high quality photographers at affordable prices.

Apart from the wedding photographer, the website mentionedafore provides a helping hand with every aspect of your wedding. No matter whatquestions you may have on your mind, this is where you will be able to find theanswers. Pandora Charms

Reliable weddingphotographers Minneapolis are hard to find if you don't know where to look.The website mentioned afore offers a number of options and according to yourneeds and budget you can choose the weddingphotographer Minneapolis that will be at your wedding.

Variety and Ideas of New Year Cards and Gift Baskets

Pandora BeadsNew Year cards are the most memorable as it is personal. Photography can be easily implemented and have fun with family or friends do it together. Photos can be people who were arrested last New Year's Eve party, or a personalized card design done for you, new year cards are usually given to distant friends and relatives. When someone gets a job, or they feel they are valued and happiness, and make cards as they want for a great reception in the coming years. This event comes with a sign to get people a reason to life's adventures to expand. New Year's gift baskets are popular gift ideas, as they are stylish, upbeat and innovative. Body can include a variety of gifts such as perfume, watches and a selection of electronics such as iPods and Walkman. Clothing and accessories can be added to adjust to the new year gift baskets, With October quickly pulls away, some start to think concerning their Christmas and new year holidays. In attendance a number of options for persons and relatives are looking for a happy event. India is still a popular hotspot for tourists, which is a welcome new year in style. Christmas is an occasion for the relatives, but New Year has for all time been the point in time to let your hair down & enjoy life - & that doesn't must cease because you have kids. You'll find lots of new year breaks ideal for all the relatives, whether you need to throw yourself into in the celebratory spirit or get missing from the commotion & the winter climate by moving towards to a private beach abroad. Pandora Charms

New Year is amongst the few events that are celebrated all over the world. Every individual has its own matchless way of celebrating this event. new year celebrations demand great pomp & magnificence. It is a time when different traditions & culture are blended with the modern lifestyle of ours. Most countries declare a holiday on this day. Beginning from commercial houses & offices to educational institutions stay closed on New Year. People prefer celebrating this day with their friends & relatives members. The chain of celebrations starts from the day before this event. Pandora Beads Sale New Year celebrations explain an ideal case in point of bring together people of all nations to know-how the same cheerful feel, which as you would expect comes along with the approaching of this event. Varied party spots appear to be filled with distinct colors of celebrations & all such celebrations consist of the whole thing that marks New Year Eve with a diversity of festive colors. Also, such partying becomes the main cause that build public goes bonkers & this cause has been continuously giving find expression for to the party character of the people. Being bound by the intrinsic party eagerness, one and all turn on their heels to get in touch with their favorite social gathering venues, which appear to provide fun & frolic in leaps & bounds & no other social gathering can ever beat the attraction of a party. Everybody get a hold of the possibility to turn on the party gear only four times in a year & therefore, such special eve celebrations comprise to form something that people can't even think of missing out. Pandora Bangles
Par liandongmei5 - 0 commentaire(s)le 13 juillet 2011
Mardi 12 juillet 2011

Death toll in Cairo sectarian clashes rises to 12

Death toll in Cairo sectarian clashes rises to 12

At least 12 people were killed and 232 others injured in clashes outside a Coptic church Saturday night in Egyptian capital of Cairo, making the sectarian relations a test for the transitional government. tiffany heart bracelet

Firefighters, surrounded by angry Muslims, battle a blaze at a church in Cairo's Imbaba neighborhood on Saturday night. Clashes erupted between Muslims and Christians in the Egyptian capital after rumors that a Christian woman who converted to Islam was being held against her will inside the church. [ .cn via Agencies]

The military prosecution will be responsible for investigations into the sectarian sedition event, said Adel El-Said, spokesman for the public prosecution.

The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces announced Sunday through its official page on the Facebook, that it had detained 190 people suspected of involvement in the sectarian incident for military prosecution. tiffany charms

More clashes erupted when thousands of Copts started a sit-in in front of the state TV building against the sectarian clashes in Imbaba, Giza. The traffic in downtown Cairo was crippled and the security forces cordoned off the whole building.

Egyptian caretaker Prime Minister Essam Sharaf called for an emergency cabinet meeting, and postponed his Gulf tour scheduled for Sunday.

The cabinet decided to activate laws of combating terrorism and attacking worshipping houses, and to punish any thuggery actions, sedition and to support the security forces and to stop the strikes leading to disturbance of daily work, caretaker Minister of Justice Mohamed al-Gendi said in a press conference on Sunday. cheap tiffany charms

Giza governor Ali Abdel-Rahman said it is much quieter in Imababa now and that the police and the army were deployed there and have taken control of the situation.

Egyptian analysts attributed the repetition of the sectarian events among Muslims and Copts to the absence of security and the emergence of the salafists.

Clashes erupted outside the Saint Mena Coptic Orthodox Church Saturday night in Imbaba neighborhood, Giza Governorate when groups of angry Muslims headed to the church where they said a Coptic girl was held inside for consenting to marry a Muslim.

tiffany cufflinksOn March 8, clashes erupted around the Saint Samaan Monastery in Moqatam. Thirteen were killed and 140 others were injured.

Nabiel Abdel Fatah, an analyst, said these events resulted from historic accumulations for 40 years, adding that an absence of security after the protests that toppled former President Hosni Mubarak were also blamed for these violent acts. Some Salafists in the slums and marginal districts fanned people suffering from unemployment and lack of services.

Naguib Gebrael, a Coptic lawyer, said assaults against the Christians were occasional and unannounced in the former government, but now it was blatant and constant.

"The salafists seek a religious country which frightens the Coptic," said Gebrael.

The minority Copts account for about 10 percent of Egypt's total population. Coptics and Muslims in Egypt generally live in peace, but sporadic violence occurs due to the construction of churches or romantic affairs between worshippers of the two groups. tiffany earrings

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Par liandongmei5 - 0 commentaire(s)le 12 juillet 2011
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