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Discover the Advantages of Biomass, Generating Carbon Neutral Electricity

Discover the Advantages of Biomass, Generating Carbon Neutral Electricity


A review of alternative energy approaches will show the significant advantages of biomass, and a key characteristic is that combustion does not add to carbon cycle in the unsustainable way that fossil fuels do. As the levels of carbon dioxide, a major greenhouse gas, continue to rise, the need to address , Elsa Peretti Teardrop ring, the sources is urgent the world is to avoid irreversible climate change.

As a material drawn from a broad range of organic sources, biomass fits the renewable energy category and can be deployed for generating power. Among the sources available are tree roots, branches, wood chips and shavings together with various agricultural wastes like crop residues, manure and silage. A biomass reactor can also be fuelled by specially grown grasses like miscanthus, switch grass and hemp or from trees like poplar , Elsa peretti sevillana chain earrings, and willow, or using wood pellet by-products.

One of the obvious advantages of biomass is reducing the need to burn fossil fuels to produce heat, steam and electricity in industrial, residential and farming settings. Biomass is also useful in that it has a relatively high availability with the option for continuous replanting and so by definition is renewable, when the carbon released by burning is drawn back during plant photosynthesis, hence the carbon neutrality of this energy source.

The value , Elsa peretti teardrop pendant, of the original source crops is increased when the wastes from such crops, like straw and husks, are used as a by-product for producing the biomass fuel. A carbon sink is set up to sequester the carbon dioxide created when burning fuel, and when replanting follows oxygen will also be released into the atmosphere.

With the ever increasing pressure on landfill sites to absorb municipal waste streams, the use of this source as biomass will see a gradual tailing off of waste heading to these sites, where significant releases of methane, a greenhouse gas over twenty times more potent than carbon dioxide, occurs.

Another of the advantages of biomass is the use of these organic materials , Elsa Peretti Round earrings, in such a way that they have less adverse environmental impact than when these sources are used in combustion. Effectively through a process of anaerobic digestion, waste is turned into gases which can then be used to drive turbines, instead of process where biomass is burnt and then sufficient trees need to be planted as a carbon sink to recover the carbon dioxide released.

Ethanol sourced from biomass can be used in a range of new biofuel blends, with the extra benefit of being cleaner burning than the mainstream fossil fuels, as well as the improved efficiency of combustion efficiency in road vehicles. It's clear that biomass derived fuels can be employed to generate heat and electricity as well as an alternative fuel to petroleum distillates.

Clearly, governments at all levels need to tackle both climate change and energy security concerns when they permit new renewable energy plants. They also need to take into account the need to ensure a sufficient level of steady baseload supply and not merely extra sources which meet peak demands. The sun doesn't always shine, sometimes there is no wind and tides have slack water, periods when no power is generated, whereas the advantages of biomass sources is the absence of this , Tiffany Elsa Peretti charm bracelet, disadvantage.



Par liandongmei5 le mercredi 18 mai 2011


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