will be good to get locations

Getting Started in The Vending Machine Business

Getting Started in The Vending Machine Business


Everyone has a sweet tooth. Can you imagine anyone walking by a bulk candy vending machine without putting a coin in? It is so cheap that people will not mind stopping by one. That is why candy machines are so popular.

tiffany necklace The money you get here can be termed as passive income. That is because it hardly requires any work. The only work you actually have to do is buy the machine. Then choose a good location and set it up. Then service it regularly. Most machines might require a tune up once every two months. In addition, it takes just five minutes to get it going again. Then you only have to refill it with candy and count your money. It is as simple is that with no other extra work complicating the procedure

tiffany men's necklaceThere are many advantages to this business. For one, it does not take much of your time. You do not need to put in any extra work. There are no other investments needed after you buy the machine. You only need to keep buying candy worth $50 to $100 from time to time. Hard work is not required. You can even take up another job if you so desire. There is no limit to the number of machines that can be set up. Set up many machines to get more money.

tiffany necklace silver Make your business work by buying costlier machines. They give value for your money. You can go online and buy one for $200. Buying second hand machines and new machines in bulk will also be inexpensive. A used one will cost only around a $100. If you have many machines then you can set in up in lots of places. Let us consider the profit making figures now. A machine can get you anywhere between $5 to $150 a month. Taking the average to be $25, you can see profits after 4 to 8 months time after you get back the money you put in to buy the machine. Then the rest is just passive income. tiffany necklace white gold

Here are a few more tips to make your business a success. Spice it up with assorted candy mix, which will be fun for children as well as adults. A few other good choices are gumballs, jawbreakers, M&Ms, Hershey Kisses and Skittles. Also, choose your location well. While it will be good to get locations at shopping malls, you might face rejection, as the owners would already have placed their own machines there to bring in more business. So try your favorite local charities and fund raising events. Then you can look around for places like office break rooms, which do not have such machines, and clothing stores, which are frequented by children and young adults. Try to find locations frequented by children. Keep looking around and once you secure a location, then go and buy a machine. It will do you no good to buy machines in bulk with no place to set them up. tiffany charms

While this business may not make you rich overnight or turn you into a millionaire in a few years, it is still good money. You do not require any special training or degree to run it. It is so simple you can do it with your eyes closed and one arm tied behind. Bulk candy vending will open to you a vista where you can get money with any sweat.



Par liandongmei5 le mardi 21 juin 2011


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