approached him and

tiffany mens necklaceA Melbourne man who dropped an 8kg concrete platypus on his gay housemate as he bashed him to death has been jailed. Aaron James Johnstone, 29, said he lost control after his housemate, Phillip Higgins, 46, made sexual advances towards him in September 2006. He told police he kicked and punched Mr Higgins before dropping the platypus statue on him. He also struck him with a chair. Advertisement: Story continues below Johnstone was sentenced to 18 years' jail with a minimum term of 14 years at the Victorian Supreme Court on Thursday.

cheap tiffany and coJudge Robert Osborn said both men were affected by alcohol on the night and Johnstone dropped the statue on his victim's head after he had already subjected him to a brutal bashing. "The dropping of an 8kg object onto the head of a totally defenceless man lying on the ground in a wounded state was an act of absolute brutality," he said. Thursday's sentence comes after a retrial where a jury found him guilty of murder. tiffany earrings

In March, the Victorian Court of Appeal ordered the retrial after it found errors in the directions given to the jury. Justice Osborn said Mr Higgins' injuries, which included six broken ribs and a battered face, were horrific. The court heard Johnstone moved into the rented flat of Mr Higgins and was his friend for some years. "Your attack was a savage betrayal of his trust and generosity," Justice Osborn said. The judge said he took into account that Johnstone was affected by alcohol at the time of the bashing, his conduct was followed by some degree of remorse and he was relatively co-operative with police. tiffany accessories

Justice Osborn said Mr Higgins, a disability pensioner, was described to the court as having a kindly and generous nature and his bloody and violent death had a deep impact on his family. "Phillip Higgins' family has lost a dearly loved member in circumstances which will leave them with a permanent sense of overwhelming hurt and loss," he said. ALEXANDRIA, Va. (AP) — A man convicted of orchestrating a $3 billion fraud as chairman of one of America's largest private mortgage companies will be sentenced to prison. tiffany cufflinks

Federal prosecutors in northern Virginia are seeking a life sentence for Lee. B. Farkas, former chairman of Florida-based Taylor Bean & Whitaker. They call the case against him one of the most significant to arise from the nation's financial meltdown. A federal jury in Alexandria, Va., convicted Farkas in April of all 14 counts, including securities fraud and conspiracy. Farkas testified that he had done nothing wrong. tiffany charms

Farkas, of Ocala, Fla., is the last of seven employees and executives at Taylor Bean and Colonial Bank to be sentenced. Taylor Bean collapsed in 2009 when the scheme unraveled, putting 2,000 employees out of work. A 22-year-old man was shot in the abdomen during a failed robbery early Wednesday at a West Side CTA Blue Line station. The shooting happened about 12:45 a.m. at the Pulaski station at 530 S. Pulaski Rd., police News Affairs Officer Hector Alfaro said, citing preliminary information. A man, 22, was standing on the platform when the suspect approached him and demanded money, then started firing, police said.

tiffany necklace white goldThe man was shot in the abdomen and left thigh, and is listed in “stable” condition early Wednesday at John H. Stroger Jr. Hospital of Cook County. The suspect, who did not manage to take any items from the man, fled on foot and is not in custody early Wednesday, police said. He is described as a tall, thin black man in his early 20s wearing a white T-shirt and blue jeans, police said. Officials temporarily closed the Pulaski station as police investigated, according to unconfirmed dispatch reports. A shuttle bus was transporting passengers around the affected area. A CTA spokesperson was not immediately available to comment. Harrison Area detectives are investigating. tiffany necklace silver

Par liandongmei5 le samedi 02 juillet 2011


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