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PORTLAND, Oregon (AP) — All Jeff Ellis could do was wait as he sat terrified 30,000 feet (9,000 meters) in the air staring at the wriggling scorpion that stung him on a flight to Alaska. He repeated to himself that a doctor said he'd be fine — probably. Ellis first had to wait 30 minutes to see whether he succumbed to anaphylactic shock. "In the movies, scorpions kill people," Ellis, 55, said Thursday. "I was just nervous, on edge, making sure that my heart was beating normal, that I wasn't sweating." Alaska Airlines spokeswoman Bobbie Egan said the scorpion probably crawled on board the plane during a stop in Austin, Texas.

tiffany pendants The plane then landed in Seattle, where Ellis boarded for a flight to Anchorage. About three hours into the flight, Ellis dozed off. Then, he felt something tickling his arm. "I felt it on my shirt-sleeve and brushed it off, I thought it was a little spider or something," Ellis said. "Then I felt it back on my elbow." He grabbed it with his napkin and his girlfriend, Suzanne Foster, called a flight attendant, who tossed the scorpion into a clear plastic bag.

The writhing arachnid terrified children seated nearby. "Their mother told the flight attendant, 'Get that thing out of my face,' " Ellis said. As Ellis monitored himself for signs of a fatal allergic reaction, emergency responders in Anchorage were told to get ready; the flight would be landing soon. But they had a problem, Ellis said: Scorpions aren't common in Alaska, and the EMTs didn't know what to do.

tiffany charms "They had to Google it," he said. News traveled quickly through the cabin, but Ellis said no one panicked. He was the first to get off the plane, he said, where he was met by a police officer. In the end, it turned out that the doctor on the flight was right. Ellis was OK, and all that's left of the incident is a mark on his arm. Egan said the airline has never had a poisonous creature on one of its flights before, but it wasn't the first time someone found a scorpion on a plane. During a Southwest Airlines flight in 2009, an Arizona man was stung while traveling from Phoenix to Indianapolis.

His 10-year-old son found the rest of the family of scorpions in the luggage compartment over their seats. Ellis thinks — based on photos he took of the eight-legged pest — that he was stung by a striped bark scorpion, which is common in Texas. He said he is happy with the flight crew's response, and said the airline has offered him 4,000 frequent-flier miles and two round-trip tickets. His return flight to Seattle, he said, was uneventful. tiffany cufflinks

A man grabbed French President Nicolas Sarkozy and yanked him off balance before being wrestled to the ground by bodyguards on Thursday, television pictures showed. The unidentified man seized Sarkozy by the jacket as he was greeting people gathered behind a barrier in the town of Brax, southwestern France, and tugged the president forward. Sarkozy staggered, straightened up and looked briefly ruffled but then went on glad-handing the public as the man was restrained by security staff. Pictures broadcast on television showed them wrestling the man to the ground. tiffany rings

Police said later that a man was in custody in nearby Agen. An official in Sarkozy's office said the presidency "does not wish to take action" against him. Asked about the possibility by the iTele channel, Sarkozy replied simply, "no, no problem, no problem." The man was named as Hermann Fuster, 32, employed as a caretaker and receptionist at the music and dance conservatory in Agen, who had no record of offending. The attack, though brief, was captured on film and the images were swiftly shown on French news channels.

tiffany outletAccording to a source close to the enquiry, he had wanted to challenge the president on France's intervention in Libya. Brax mayor Michel Bernines told AFP Sarkozy was shaking hands "when suddenly a person in the second or third row ... threw himself at (the president), grabbed him by the shoulder and seemed to be going to punch him." Bernines said the incident was "very quick, very sudden and unpredictable." Sarkozy has been involved in several altercations in public with hecklers and boisterous crowds, but it was the first time a member of the public had breached his security bubble to lay hands on him. The most notorious incident was in 2008 at the Paris agricultural show where Sarkozy thundered "Get lost, you damned idiot!" at a man who insulted him.

tiffany earringsThe quote has become a popular catchphrase for summing up Sarkozy's abrupt style. Thursday's scuffle occurred as Sarkozy came out of a meeting in Brax with local mayors. His approval ratings are stuck at around 30 percent, amid high unemployment, 10 months ahead of presidential polls in which he is expected to seek re-election. In 2002 a gunman shot at, and missed, Sarkozy's predecessor Jacques Chirac before being wrestled to the ground and arrested. Chirac's assailant, linked to far-right groups, was jailed for 10 years. tiffany bracelet

Par liandongmei5 le lundi 04 juillet 2011


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