Cineworld and the

Houston police said James Onak, 49, hit Fadel Steadman, 32, on the Gulf Freeway near Fuqua Street about 12:30 a.m. Tuesday. Detectives said Steadman's body went through the windshield of Onak's Mazda 626 and ended up in the front passenger seat. Onak kept going and did not stop until a deputy constable pulled him over more than three miles away from the scene, police said. Steadman's vehicle had broken down on the freeway, investigators said. cheap tiffany charms

Onak's attorney said his client is still reeling from the fatal crash. "He really is torn up about the accident. His heart, his family -- they're really saddened by what happened to the Steadman family," attorney Stanley Schneider said. Onak is an accountant, married and the father of three. tiffany charms for bracelet

He has no previous criminal history. Investigators said Onak said he thought he hit something, but he did not notice the body next to him. "One thing I don't understand is how do you not know you have a body in the passenger seat of your car? How drunk was you?" said Toni Steadman, the victim's mother. "Often times, bad things happen to good people, and accidents happen and it was an unfortunate accident that occurred," Schneider said. Schneider would not discuss the details of the case and said the whole story will come out in court. tiffany accessories

He said Onak's family is trying to deal with the shock of Steadman's death and the media scrutiny that has followed. "They were in shock about the accident. They were in shock about what happened. They were in shock about the death. The feeling of sorrow for the man that died. Reporters should show respect for the man who died and coming over and banging on the door trying to get a story doesn't help anybody," Schneider said. tiffany lock key ring

Onak faces a misdemeanor DWI charge and a felony charge for accident involving an injury. He has been released from jail on bond. He will appear in court on Friday morning for an arraignment. A man has become the first person in Scotland to be convicted of illegally recording in a cinema and uploading films for profit. Christopher Clarke pleaded guilty to a charge under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. The 25-year-old was sentenced at Glasgow Sheriff Court to 160 hours of community service. Clarke was caught after an operation between police, Cineworld and the Federation Against Copyright Theft. The Crown Office said it was a landmark conviction for illegal recording in a Scottish cinema. cheap tiffany accessories

John Dunn, area procurator fiscal for Glasgow, said: "Christopher Clarke repeatedly pirated films from cinema screenings and uploaded them to the internet for profit. "Piracy is by no means a victimless crime - it undermines legitimate businesses and the arts sector as a whole, and can be used to channel money into organised crime. cheap tiffany rings sale

"I hope this sends a strong message to all those who believe that they can remain anonymous solely because they commit their crimes over the internet. "They should beware that the investigative authorities of Scotland work tirelessly to remain at the forefront of forensic computer analysis and technological specialism - we can and will track down those who pirate films, whether the profit is made in cyberspace or a marketplace."

Par liandongmei5 le mercredi 06 juillet 2011


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